Dixie Hills Baptist Church logo



At Dixie Hills we believe that your children are important and so is their safety and spiritual growth. For that reason all of our classes are staffed by loving and caring teachers who have gone through our screening process. Our desire is to provide your child with a safe, secure and loving environment where they can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We consider it a privilege and a joy to care for your children and a responsibility we take seriously.

We provide 9:00am & 6:00pm WORSHIP NURSERY & TODDLER CARE in the Nursery/Preschool area.


Children's Church is an opportunity for children to have church during the worship time at 9:00 AM without being still or quiet! This is offered for those ages 3 (potty-trained) through 1st grade. In children's church, your child will learn, sing, play games, make crafts, and eat a snack. We meet in the preschool wing.

Classes for Nursery-Toddlers during Connect at 10:15am and PM Worship at 6:00pm.

For more information, please contact


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